Google has acquired San Francisco-based digital picture analysing app maker Jetpac, to boost its search for location based information using photo data.

The app generates data and provides location-based information through publically shared Instagram photos.

It looks for visual cues from the images to provide contextual information about the area where the photo was taken.

Google could use computer vision and machine learning technology of Jetpac to help users search their own photos.

Reports suggest that Google might use the JetPac algorithm for Google Plus or add to its other services like Google Now or Maps.

The firm raised $2.4m from Khosla Ventures along with other venture capital firms, but the firm has not disclosed the financial details of the acquisition.

Yahoo recently acquired Zofari to improve its local search as the search companies look way to improve local search and image oriented data.

Jetpac has made three apps including: city guide, photo analyser and picture detection tool for iOS.