Google has copied Android files directly from Oracle’s Java source code, NoSoftwarePatents founder Florian Muller said.

Online source code distributions for Motorola’s Droid Pro, LG’s Ally and Optimus models, and Samsung’s Galaxy series, all of which run on Google’s Android OS, have at least some of the code, Mueller said.

Although the devices don’t include the patent infringing code in the on-device version, its presence on the sites of the phone makers itself could be illegal, he added.

In October, Oracle sued Google had directly copied one file from Oracle Java code. Now, Muller has said that the search company has copied six additional Android files.

If Google is found guilty, Oracle could force the search company to pay royalties for the use of the code in every Android 2.2 device Google has shipped or it could force a code change itself.

Google is facing similar copyright infringement issues from Apple and Microsoft.