Rapid-Gen Systems Ltd, of South London, has donated applications generator software to Botton Village, the world’s largest self supporting community of mentally handicapped adults, based in North Yorkshire. The donation follows the offer of a 15-user MicroVAX II system running VMS, which was donated to the charity when it first approached DEC for funding. The full hardware and software package amounts to UKP120,000 and will assist in the day-to-day running of Botton Village. Rapid-Gen is a 12 year-old company specialising in applications generation languages. In particular, it supplies DEC- and IBM-compatible applications generator software suitable for the first-time computer user, marketing it in major countries around the world, including Australia, the US, Canada and Hong Kong. The company’s involvement with the Botton Village organisation began just three weeks ago when the charity visited the Rapid-Gen stand at the DEC User Show. Now, Rapid-Gen hopes its software will provide a shortcut for Botton Village, which must transfer its Basic software to the MicroVAX environment.