Gnosis NV, established three years ago on the back of an SQL software communications product, is opening a UK subsidiary in Stockton, Cheshire. The UKP3mayear company has a staff of 30, and in January of this year, it established a small US office in Boca Raton, Florida. The product, Sequelink enables Apple Macs and other desktops to function in a clientserver relationship, and to access databases held on a host computer while retaining the Mac user interface. It was pre-viously distributed in the UK by the London-based Apple dealer Albion Computers Ltd, which est-ablished a customer base of just over a dozen clients, including Plessey, Marconi, Austin Rover and the TSB Group Plc. The UK company was set up by ex-TSB employees Richard Taylor and Andrew Mills, now managing and technical directors respectively. They hold 29% of the UK shares, the Belgian parent has 51%, and the remaining 20% is with two venture capital firms, Sargefi SA of Switzerland, and Gevepar NV of Belgium. Apart from Sequelink, Gnosis is to launch SL Engine for VAX, Unix, and AS/400 systems. It will enable users to exploit the various operating systems and still retain the Apple Macintosh user interface. In addition to developing communications software, Gnosis NV employs six consultants to advise on the need for and the implementation of information technology, and Gnosis UK says that the service will also be available in the UK and Ireland.