The market value of global mobile advertising market was $5.3bn in 2011, according to a joint study by the IAB Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence in the US, IAB Europe and IHS Screen Digest.

In terms of regional share of Europe is 25.9%, North America 31.4%; Latin America 3.5%; Asia-Pacific 35.9% and Middle East & Africa markets is 3.2%.

With the growing importance of mobile as an advertising platform, IAB Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence and IAB Europe suggest the need for greater insights on investment in the medium.

The data shows the Asia-Pacific region made largest mobile advertising spends with $1.9bn in 2011, followed by North America at $1.6bn.

IAB Europe president and CEO Alain Heureux said hyper-personal and always-on, mobile has a tremendous potential as an advertising medium.

"We are recognizing the need for accurate and comprehensive data to support and provide evidence for its future growth. This is not just a local, or even European affair," he added.

"As many mobile campaigns are played out in a global ecosystem, the market we have to size spans across borders."

IAB Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence vice president and general manager Anna Bager said as mobile accelerates its global footprint, it is vital that we measure the worldwide and regional opportunities for advertisers.

"This key IAB initiative provides an accurate gauge of mobile market developments across the globe, with the aim of helping our members and the industry achieve even stronger growth through mobile," he added.