Paris-based Gipsi SA has added two new models to its range of high-end X-terminals launched at the end of last year, and has reached an agreement with Digital Design SA, also in Paris, for distribution of Le tX family in the US, France, West Germany and Spain. Le tX range comes in six models built around the Motorola 68030 with from 2Mb to 8Mb memory using X11 Release 4 X server software, and operating system technology based upon Chorus Systemes’ Chorus Unixalike. New additions are the 19 monochrome tX-M with a resolution of 1,280 by 960 pixels, and the 17 colour tX-C6, which with eight planes, has a resolution of 1,280 by 1,024. Existing models are the 17 and 19 monochrome tX and tX-Me, the 17 colour tX-C4 and 19, eight plane color tX-C8. Prices go from $3,600 to $8,800. Gipsi also offers a range of three PostScript printers designed for use with its X-terminals. Le tX-Printers – which use Motorola 68000 and 68020 chips as controllers – go from UKP3,900 to UKP5,400. Gipsi – which hopes to win 20% of the European X-terminal market in the coming year, and sell 2,000 of its terminals into the US – came into being in March 1988; 60% of the company is owned by its staff.