GeoCities Inc, the internet community of personal web sites, recorded third quarter net losses of $4.1m, or $0.14 per share, up from $2.3m losses last time, on revenues that rose to $5.3m, from $1.3m last time. The company raised $86.4m net from its initial public offering in August. It says its gross margin increased to 58% in the quarter, from 30% in the second quarter, but sales and marketing costs ate all of that away, and more, hence the heavy losses. However, those losses were 20 cents per share better than Wall Street expected, at least according to Zacks Investment Research, so that should be good for a spike in the stock today. For the nine months, GeoCities lost $11.3m, up from $5.9m, on revenues tat rose to $10.8m, from $2.9m.