Network business intelligence specialists Gentia Software Inc (formerly Planning Sciences) has revealed further details of upcoming product releases. The company with dual headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts and London, UK now says it will be releasing its add-ons for Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic at the end of June or beginning of July priced at approximately $200. Existing customers can now download beta versions of both products via a password system. Ian Macdonald, Gentia’s vice president of European marketing claimed the Visual Basic add on, a low-level database interface, would make life easier for programmers by enabling them to deal with high-level rather than low-level calls, reducing the number of commands, and therefore the amount of code needed. The company, which launched the latest version of its Gentia client software in February (CI No 3,108), also revealed further details of its new 100% Java data-mining product (CI No 3,160), with a first release now due out in mid 1998, on top of an existing promise to deliver a Java version of its entire business intelligence portfolio by next year. Macdonald described the new product as an application development environment for building data-mining applications, rather than an end user tool but added that Gentia would be providing half a dozen algorithms and data-mining kernels to accompany the release. Gentia is planning to license the product to other companies to develop, as well as selling it to large organizations who want to develop it independently. Further details of the company’s partnership program to support the Multi-Dimensional Application Programming Interface developed by the OLAP On-Line Analytical Processing Council, are due to be released next week but in the meantime the company would only comment that these partners were in the high-end business intelligence market.