French software and systems integration giant Cap Gemini Sogeti SA reported encouraging unaudited interim 1994 results yesterday, saying they indicate the first positive results of its Genesis reorganisation programme. Turnover was up slightly, operating profits doubled, while at the net level, the company still showed a loss because of continuing restructuring charges for the group’s operations in Italy and Finland. First-half revenues grimped up 0.5% to the equivalent of $953.8m; operating profit was up 65% to $36.6m. After its write-downs for restructuring, Cap Gemini registered a net loss of $21.7m, down from $37.2m. The company said the results were achieved by a reversing of the recessionary trend in the industry, which began in the second quarter and which has been confirmed in July and August; a successful deployment of new commercial offerings, particular in facilities management, including applications management and distributed computer services, and exceptional performance of some of its industry-specific transnational groups, including telecommunications, financial services and petro-chemical. The company is confident about the second half of 1994 with an order book up 11% on this time last year and a solid financial base after capital-raising in May.