Which political party is winning the Twitter battle?
Which party leader has the most followers?
Who is the surprise 3rd place in the party rankings for followers? Which party has made 20,000 tweets?
Who has the highest number of followers per Tweet?
The lists are:
Page 1: The parties by highest number of followers and including number of followers per tweet.
Page 2: The party leaders league by highest number of followers complete with followers per tweet.
The parties and leaders listed are The Conservatives, The Green Party, Labour, The Liberal Democrats, Paid Cyrmu, UKIP, The SNP;
And their respective leaders, David Cameron, Natalie Bennett, David Miliband, Nick Clegg, Leanne Wood, Nigel Farage and Nicola Sturgeon.
The Parties:
1: @uklabour
Followers 221k
Tweets 15.1k
Following 15.2k
Joined April 2008
14.63 followers per tweet
2: @conservatives
Followers 155k
Tweets: 10.4k
Following 1,619
Joined April 2008
Followers per tweet 1 4.90
3: @TheGreenParty
Followers 135k
Tweets 15.8k
Following 14.4k
Followers per tweet 8.54
4: @UKIP
Followers 102k
Tweets 19.1K
Following 4,884
Followers per tweet 5.34
5: @libdems
Followers 94.8k
Tweets 20k
Following 4,771
Joined May 2007
Followers per tweet 4.74
6: @SNP Scottish National Party
Followers 92.8k
Tweets 24.2k
Following 1,668
Joined September 2009
Followers per tweet 3.83
7: @Plaid_Cymru
Followers 18.6k
Following 7,793
Tweets 16.3K
Joined April 2008
Followers per tweet 1.14
David Cameron has the highest number of followers and easily the lowest number of tweets giving him a whopping Follower To Tweet (FTT) ratio.
Nigel Farage has only 16,000 fewer followers than Nick Clegg but Farage’s 8000+ tweets give him a FTT in the high 20s compared with Clegg who with just over 2,000 tweets has a FTT of over 100.
1: @David_Cameron (Convervative)
Followers 998k
Tweets 1,752
Following 386
Joined January 2010
Followers per tweet ratio (FTT): 569.63
2: @Ed_Miliband (Labour)
Followers 469k
Tweets 4,716
Following 1,483
Joined July 2009
Followers per tweet (FTT) 14.63
3: @nick_clegg (Liberal Democrats)
Followers 240k
Tweets 2,174
Following 8,150
Joined June 2008
Followers per tweet 110.39
4: @Nigel_Farage (UKIP)
Followers 224k
Tweets 8,289
Following: 476
Joined January 2009
Followers per tweet (FTT) 27.02
5: @nicolasturgeon (Scottish National Party)
Followers 191k
Tweets 10.2k
Following 3,422
Joined June 2010
Followers per tweet (FTT) 18.72
6: @natalieben (The Green Party)
Followers 79.7k
Tweets 24.8k
Following 31k
Joined October 2008
Followers per tweet: 3.21
7: @leannewood (Plaid Cyrmu)
Tweets 16.2K
Following 800
Followers 27.2K
Joined April 2008
Followers per tweet (FTT) 1.67