The UK Computer Measurement Group has attracted Dr Gene Amdahl to speak at its third annual conference, and expects over 1,200 senior data processing managers to come to hear him and others talk about problems in corporate computing. The meeting is to be held in Harrogate, Yorkshire from May 16 to 19, includes 80 user presentations and 20 vendor presentations, while Dr Amdahl will talk on future directions of large systems. The group seems to have emerged almost overnight as one of the most useful user groups to join. The original focus on performance monitoring and capacity planning has evolved to handle all the problems multi- vendor and multi-architecture installations suffer from, which are problems encountered by most Times 1,000 companies. Membership of the group has jumped to 1,100, and this event attracted just 250 people two years ago, 700 came last year, 1,200 are expected this time.