Stuart Oakley, Weir Pumps oil, downhole and subsea director, said the orders reflected increased project activity worldwide following an improvement in oil prices.

All the new projects were won against global competition and we anticipate further sales successes in the coming months, said Mr. Oakley. There is no doubt that industry activity and enquiry levels are escalating and we are well placed to meet the up-turn in demand.

The pumpsets are scheduled for phased delivery during 2001.

The news comes at a time when first oil has been produced from the second phase of the Texaco Captain field development in the North Sea. The project incorporates a number of firsts in new technology, one being the first commercial deployment of gas-handling hydraulic submersible pumps, manufactured by Weir Pumps.


The largest single order has been placed by JGC Corporation of Japan and Initec, Spain, for the Ourhoud project in Algeria. The package comprises over 20 pumpsets for various applications, including high powered water injection (4×6.25MW units), water flood, crude oil export (3×2.15MW units) and firefighting duties.

In the Middle East, Weir is to provide two 5.5MW crude oil transfer pumps to Petroleum Development, Oman, to modernise its strategic north/south booster pumping stations for the Qarn Alam 2 scheme.

Meanwhile in the North Sea, Weir is to manufacture seawater injection (up to 6MW) and booster pumps for the BP ETAP and Amerada Hess Syd Arne developments and Kerr McGee’s Leadon FPSO. The latter project will also install booster pumps made by the newly-formed Weir Process Group (comprising Weir Pumps, Girdlestone and Begemann) – its first major order.

Finally, Exxon/Mobil Skene has specified barrel casing heating medium pumps for the gas compression module on the Beryl Alpha platform.

This portfolio of orders comprises a wide range of equipment and reinforces Weir’s commitment as a major supplier to the international oil and gas patch, said Mr. Oakley.