Ottawa, Ontario-based Gandalf Technologies Inc has added an Ethernet bridge to its Access Hub family of 10Base-T local area networks. The Access Bridge-Remote enables the internetworking of Access Hub 48 and 132 10BASE-T local nets with other Ethernet networks regardless of their location. It is integral with the Access Hub 48 and 132 local area networks and is 802.ld-compatible with a dual-stack architecture providing SNMP and OSI compatibility. It can be managed by Gandalf’s Access Manager SNMP/OSI multivendor network management system, or by third-party systems. The bridge enables Gandalf’s Access Hub to support two wide area links between any two locations – traffic is shared between the two links. Should one link fail, traffic is automatically routed to the operative wide area link without loss of data. The bridge can also be used to link three remote locations together. It has a synchronous multiplexer interface designed to optimise a wide area link use by enabling HDLC-type data traffic from products such as Gandalf’s SMUX switching multiplexer to share the same wide area link as Access Hub LAN traffic. Optional data compression software can provide an eight-to-one compression ratio on links up to 64Kbps. The filter table can contain information for up to 12,000 local network devices. The filter table can be customised to suit particular network needs, and source address filtering enables network managers to restrict user access to sensitive resources.