Guy Snowdon, chairman of US lottery systems giant G-Tech Holdings Corp is battling it out in the libel courts with Virgin Plc tycoon Richard Branson over allegations made by Branson that Snowdon tried to bribe him to get him out of the running for the tender to run the UK National Lottery. Branson is suing Snowdon, G-Tech, and G-Tech company spokesperson Robert Rendine over an accusation that Branson lied when he told of the alleged bribe. Snowdon is counter-suing Branson at the hearing that kicked off this week in the UK High Court. Snowdon is a director Camelot, operator of the UK’s lottery, of which G-Tech owns a 22.5% stake. G-Tech from West Greenwich, Rhode Island supplies on online lottery products and services and is one of the largest lottery suppliers in the US.