Internet Advisor’s re-launch mirrors the advance of the Internet from an emerging market to its current mainstream status. Two and half years ago, the magazine launched as the UK’s first Internet magazine for beginners and since then it has guided hundreds of thousands of newcomers onto the Web.

From now on, it will cater for the post-beginner surfer and typically solve their common frustrations such as slow Internet connections. The first re-designed issue guarantees to speed up readers’ connections for free with 100 tips for faster access.

Today, the Internet is an everyday tool for millions of people, explains Dave Taylor, Publisher of Internet Advisor. We re-launching the magazine to reflect the Web’s mainstream popularity and the advancing online skills of our readers.

It will also stand out on the newsagent’s shelves because of the toolkit CD on its cover. The CD not only provides essential tools and full programs to enhance readers’ net experience, but it also offers tutorials to lead users step-by-step through the software.

It is the biggest issue ever, adds Matthew Richards, the magazines’ editor. It has 132 pages of packed editorial with seven brand new sections that deal with subjects from e-mail through ISP connection issues to consumer advice. This last category will replicate an Internet watchdog to track down online abuses and

support consumers.

Internet Advisor has achieved an almost 100% stocking policy in the major supermarkets and 97% of its sales are made from the news stands.