When even beer-swilling jocks know you’re in trouble, you’re really in it – our ever-alert confreres at Technology News of America relate that a televised college football game Pennsylvania State University and the University of Tennessee on Saturday (oh all right, Penn State won 31-13 – now be quiet and stop interrupting) highlighted a Tennessee quarterback, still a junior, who is already receiving offers to drop out of college and make his fortune as a professional; the commentators were incredulous that he should even consider finishing his education, and pass up the chance of riches beyond the dreams of average, and the following exchange ensued: I mean, if you’re a junior in computer science and IBM offers you a job in its research labs, you take it – there’s no debate about – let IBM pay for the degree, which you can get later… pause for a few seconds, then another announcer cuts in – I don’t know about that – those IBM guys aren’t doing so well… laughter, and then the third announcer chimes in with yeah, dump that stock…