Fujitsu Ltd is to use Integrated Services Digital Network links to monitor its new fault-tolerant Sure System 2000 communications processor in Japan (CI No 1,509). The Advance Remote Maintenance & Supervisory Service will watch over both hardware and software to ensure round-the-clock operation of the Gmicro-32-based system. The new machine poses a real threat to both Tandem Computers Inc and Stratus Computer Inc in the Japanese market, and is designed for such applications as looking after a large network of automatic teller machines, generally as a front-end to a host mainframe. It also performs all the functions of IBM’s 3745 communications front-ends for Fujitsu M-series mainframes. The Sure System 2000 comes with from two to six processors, each with 16Mb or 32Mb of main memory, plus from 16Mb to 64Mb of shared memory. Disk goes from 660Mb to 7.9Gb and it supports up to 10 local area networks and up to 320 19.2Kbps lines. It is described as the first major product in the Communications Processing domain of Fujitsu’s new Mission/DC architecture, the other domains being database processing, application processing, and Management Processing system and network management. The system is designed so that processors and peripherals can be added or removed on the fly, and the SXO operating system is split into modules that can be distributed across different processors to optimise performance. The network can also be reconfigured on the fly without disrupting the host – altered network definitions are stored in the 2000 and passed to the host once complete. In addition to the Basic Control Program, software includes Network Communications Support Porgram, Network Link Control Program and an Online Transaction Manager. Languages supported are Cobol 85 and C. On a 30-month payout basis, starting prices work out at form $288,000 with two processors, from $632,000 with six.

Tandem Computers Inc and Logica Plc have won a UKP4m pact with LloydsBank Plc for a four-processor NonStop Cyclone and software to support Lloyds’ new Electronic Banking System for its corporate customers.