Following up on its promise to be a top five US notebook vendor within three years (CI No 2,937), Fujitsu PC Corp yesterday launched its family of retail and corporate portables in the US, vowing to ship 50,000 units in its first year. The US firm, launched in February, is wholly owned by Fujitsu Ltd of Japan and plans to be a $1bn business within three years with its sub-branded Milan, Monte Carlo and Montego models. Although it ranks sixth worldwide in notebook sales, yesterday marks the first time Fujitsu has shipped notebooks in the Americas. Distributers ???Ingram Micro Inc?? and MicroAge Corp?? will sell its kit into the corporate market and five retail chains, including Best Buy, CompUSA and Computer City, will sell its consumer line. As part of its vision that notebooks will become users primary computing tool, it will look at developing smaller computer devices after its hits its three-year target sales.