In the three months ending June 30, 2007, the Tokyo-based company made a net loss of JPY 14.8bn ($123m) compared to a gain of JPY 664m ($5.5m) in the year-ago quarter, with operating profit down 80% at JPY 2.9bn ($24m).

Fujitsu blamed a change in accounting policy as well as sluggish sales of standard technology logic products, and also pointed to a JPY 13.5bn ($112m) increase in selling, general, and administrative expenses created by the growth of its services business in Europe and higher development costs in telecoms networks and chips.

Revenue increased 5.8% to JPY 1.17trn ($9.7bn), with all of its four main operating units increasing revenue by at least 5%. Technology Solutions, the unit which pools together its enterprise server and IT services activities, posted a 5.2% rise in sales to JPY 683bn ($5.7bn), with the services arm reporting a 10.9% rise in revenue to JPY 543bn ($4.5bn) and an 85% improvement in operating profit to JPY 15bn ($125m).

The Ubiquitous Product Solutions division made an 8.8% increase in first-quarter sales to JPY 275bn ($2.3bn), which included a 14.2% rise in sales of PCs and mobile phones which was slightly offset by a 2.9% fall in sales of hard disk drives.