Fujitsu Ltd has revised upwards its expectations for business from its telecommunications division and is now forecasting that the operation will be doing around $7,000m a year within five years, 2.7 times the figure for the year to March 1989 and implying annual growth 20%: the five-year plan from April this year looks for strong growth in mobile telecommunications systems and satellite communications systems, and the company also looks to increase its share of the market for car and cordless telephones; manufacturing in the US, in Dallas and Anaheim, will be expanded and the company will begin production of digital PABXs will begin in Spain, with possible joint ventures across Europe in the pipeline; by 1994 the composition of the company’s telecommunications revenues is expected to change, with the proportion of business coming from Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp halving to 20%, and local government business growing to between 30% and 40%; the plan implies a faster closing of the gap with market leader NEC Corp – over the past five years, Fujitsu’s business has been growing at about 13% annually, outpacing that of NEC, whose business is still nevertheless twice as big.