The company yesterday announced NeoKicks under an early release program, which brings CICS code to .NET with Web Forms and Windows Forms interfaces used instead of CICS BMS screens.

Fujitsu’s move builds on the company’s NetCOBOL compiler for .NET, which compiles COBOL to Microsoft’s Intermediate Language for use in the .NET Framework and runtime.

Fujitsu said the addition of NeoKicks makes it a compelling product for customers coping with tight budgets who need to reduce the cost of operating applications. The company said NeoKicks provides easier maintenance, rapid application development and access to new technology.

NeoKicks uses wizards to process CICS COBOL programs and BMS macros while XML translates BMS macros to Windows or Web Forms. CICS screens can be modified using designers found in Microsoft’s Visual Studio.NET Integrated Development Environment (IDE) while plug-in components allow users to integrate applications such as file transaction with other technologies.