Fujitsu has opened new annex of the Tatebayashi System Centre, in Gunma Prefecture outside Tokyo, to serve as a core platform for its outsourcing services and cloud services business in Japan.

The company said that the new centre has combined advanced technologies in the areas of facilities design, power, air-conditioning, and security to ensure reliable operations. As part of Fujitsu’s ‘Green Policy Innovation’ green IT project, the new annex also showcases the new eco-friendly technologies.

Clients can outsource their IT systems and services needs to the company with guaranteed assurance, while at the same time it can contribute to reduce its customers’ environmental footprint.

Reportedly, to address the concerns such as corporate infrastructure and to improve the reliability and quality of IT while trying to contain its steadily increasing costs, the company has opened the Tatebayashi System Centre in 1995 in Gunma Prefecture, and began to develop its outsourcing business.

The new datacentre is earthquake-proof with five stories above ground and one below, and new physical security features incorporate biometric authentication, RFID tags to track personnel movement, and electrically locked racks. The low-energy operations management system and spot air-conditioning units were designed in collaboration with Fuji Electric Systems Limited, which reduces power consumption by 40% compared to existing datacentres.

In addition, the new datacentre keeps parts on hand to maintain a 98% system uptime within the centre, to handle problems that may arise. It also possesses features as a platform for next-generation cloud services, ensuring that clients utilise their IT resources efficiently.