Fujitsu Ltd has jumped the gun on IBM Corp with its M-1800 Summit-killers, bringing out the first uniprocessors in the new top-end mainframe family. The M-1800/10 and M-1800/10S add to the five existing models of the M-1800 – IBM so far has announced only three Summits – which top out with an eight-way multiprocessor. The M1800/10S offers 2.2 times the processing power of the M-780Q, the entry model to the previous generation and the new line is field-upgradable bottom to top. They come with up to 8Gb of main and expanded storage, and Fujitsu is hoping to sell 300 of the two new models over the next three years. The machines rent for $320,000 a month for the 10 and $275,000 a month for the 10S. They are supported by the MSP, MSP-EX, FSP, XSP, UXP/M and AVM/EX operating systems.