Fujitsu Ltd has implemented a version of its ICAD/SX computer-integrated manufacturing, design and structural support package on the S series workstations that it buys OEM from Sun Microsystems: the company has already sold over 600 copies of the original ICAD M-series mainframe version of the package and of the version for its proprietary G series workstations; the package will be around $27,500 on the Suns and Fujitsu hopes to sell 4,500 copies of the thing, which has an application programming interface to enable compatibility with the mainframe version, a superior user interface and high-speed screen handler, over the next three years. p o nSoftware development major Computer Applications Corp has become the Japanese distributor for two systems developmet tools from Holland Systems Inc of the US: it is taking the 4Front methodology used for building Strategic Information Systems, and a supporting group of software engineering tools, and Computer Application is planning to use the environent in its own applications development work as well as marketing it to other firms.