Fujitsu Ltd, Hitachi Ltd and Mitsubishi Electric Corp say they have now completed development of their high-performance 32-bit microprocessor optimised for the Tron operating system. The Gmicro/300 joins the Gmicro/200 and Gmicro/100 and is designed to be used in workstations, personal computers, network servers and engineering systems. It is claimed to run at about 17 MIPS with a 25MHz clock. The part integrates about 900,000 transistors and implements a five-stage pipeline to execute up to one instruction per cycle; there is a large translation lookaside buffer, 2Kb caches for instructions and for data, and an address monitor function to assist the use of the part in multiprocessor configurations. Fujitsu is to start sampling the thing next March, with volume set for the summer. Hitachi and Mitsubishi will follow on with their own versions after Fujitsu; faster and more highly-integrated Gmicro/400 and Gmicro/500 versions are planned for 1991 and 1992 respectively.