Fujitsu Ltd has plunged into the embryonic market for lap-top computers running Unix in Japan with the launch of the G-150 models 10 and 30, which are 68030-based portable versions of the Facom G-100 series engineering workstations. The box include detachable keyboards and a front-mounted 3.5 floppy drive, a 768 by 576 pixel backlit black and white liquid crystal display and a built-in 60Mb or 135Mb Winchester. Several software packages will be bundled with the laptops, including Fujitsu’s Epoword-G Japanese language word processor, the Epocalc-G spreadsheet, and its SX-G version of Unix. It will also include an OCR Entry utility for optical character recognition, and Fairs Partner information retrieval software. Prices for the G-150LT are $6,590 for the model 10, $9,925 for the 30 with ships in August. Fujitsu sees 100,000 G-100 sales, with 30,000 of them lap-tops, over three years.