Fujitsu-Espana SA has donated 12 of its Senda 16 micros to Mercado Puerto de Toledo, owned by The Development Institute in Madrid, for its new information network. The Senda systems are AT-alikes with 80286 processors, running at 12MHz. They have 20Mb hard disks, as well as monitors with colour graphics array, and have been installed in the Puerto de Toledo Commercial and Cultural Centre. The systems enable quick communication to be made between the public, shop owners and given databases. The information system is claimed to be the first of its kind at a centre of this type, which is now able to offer visual plans of how best to reach a given dealer, product or service, along with access to the Ministry of Culture’s databases, a printer service, and professional information on the antiques, design, fashion, handicrafts and food sectors. In the antiques sector, there was no previous documentation, but Mercado Puerto’s database now includes over 1,500 entries including dealers, auctioneers, fairs, specialised publications, professionals and transport specialists over the world as well as 250 Spanish collections and museums.