Fujitsu has introduced GFIT Accounting V1L01, the new accounting templates for the accounting system offered by SAP, whichaccommodate International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), to enable users to integrate their global accounting.

GFIT Accounting V1L01 provides templates for settings related to organisational information, account categories, and user authorities, enabling the time required for deployment.

GFIT Accounting V1L01 helps users integrate their global accounting with the SAP accounting system, such as unified reporting periods, group currencies, uniform accounts, and multilingual capabilities, enabling users to quickly grasp the financial accounting information they need for group-wide management.

The product includes global functions for unified reporting periods, group currencies, and uniform accounts, facilitating global integration with the SAP accounting system. GFIT Accounting V1L01 supports multiple languages, said the company.

The new templastes collabrated with IFRS support functions by SAP, provide an offering to accommodate IFRS adoption while conforming to the accounting standards of each country.

GFIT Accounting V1L01 is the integrated IFRS offering handling the overall process ranging from the accounting system to the consolidated financial settlement system.