A new French contender in the object database stakes has emerged in the shape of Matisse, from Intellitic International SA, of Saint Quentin en Yvelines – and Waltham, Massachusetts-based parallel computer systems manufacturer Kendall Square Research Inc and says that after an extensive vendor review to select an object-oriented database developer whose technology would best complement the KSR1 architecture, it concluded that Intellitic’s Matisse was the most suitable. The KSRI implementation is being done jointly with Intellitic staff at the US headquarters of Kendall Square Research. Shipment of a pre-release version of Matisse 2.2 on the KSR1 is planned for fourth quarter 1993, with the final release to be shipped in first quarter 1994. Kendall Square’s object oriented tool suite includes C++, C++ development tools, and the company’s Presto parallel run-time environment extended for object-oriented parallel programming paradigms. Intellitic has US offices in Cambridge, Massachusetts and customers include the US Air Force and the National Institute of Standards & Technology; its European user base includes a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant which runs one of the largest production object-oriented database applications in the world.