The Open Media Network (OMN), according to founder Mike Homer, offers a selection of free public programs with a TV-style program guide and automatic background deliveries of scheduled programming. Content producers are able to add their programming to the network and gain unlimited free delivery of their shows with digital rights protection.

Consumers will only be able to view the content on PCs and iPods initially but there are plans to stream the Network through televisions and mobile phones by this summer.

Our goal with Open Media Network is to provide a valuable public service that gives consumers an easy way to get both traditional and grassroots media authorized for internet distribution and help usher in a new era in mass publishing, said Homer.

Stations such as WGBH, KQED and KWSU are among the initial public television and radio stations offering content via the network.

It is thought that future versions of OMN, expected this summer, will offer producers a secure payment system for premium content.