France’s premier stand-alone micro manufacturer SMT Goupil SA says that it is forecasting turnover for 1988 of over one billion French francs – that’s about $180m – putting it on course to achieve its aim of being amongst the top six European computer manufacturers by 1991. But although the company reckons it is already the second largest French industrial group in the computer sector, export business amounted to only 11% of turnover, up from 8% the previous year. Now the company has embarked upon an increased emphasis on exports, coupled with new products in the microcomputer and supermicro field. Last month in Paris, Goupil showed off two new systems, the G50 and G100, designed to take it into the departmental systems business. The G50 is an AT-compatible 80386 processor, with 80387 and Wietek co-processor options, with 32Kb cache memory and up to 16Mb RAM. Based on the existing G5 micros, the G50 can be configured as a workstation, local area network server, or as a Unix or Pick server with up to 17 terminals. Goupil also launched its G100 supermicro, the result of its acquisition last year of Sfena DSI. Goupil has developed the Sfena systems to run Unix System V.3, though it also offers a configuration running Sfena’s proprietary Meteor operating system to serve the existing 3,000-strong user base. The G100 is also 80386+80387-based, but includes up to five auxilliary 80186 processors to off-load mass storage, terminal connections, network communications and telecommunications, security and remote maintenance. The system has up to 16Mb RAM, 64Kb cache, and supports Multibus. Goupil has also put together its GNA Goupil Network Environment Architecture to support Ethernet, Starlan, MS-DOS and NetBIOS standards within an Open Systems Interconnection framework. Also announced was a 20MHz version of Goupil’s G5 supermicro, offered with MS-DOS, OS/2, Pick or Unix System V.386, and a new flat screen portable, the Golf. Systems should be available by September. The UK office says it is looking for OEM sales and distribution deals on the G50 and G100, which should cost between UKP5,000 and UKP7,000 for the G50, and UKP10,000 to UKP14,000 for the G100. Goupil wisely says that it will not attempt to sell into the US market until it has achieved a strong enough position within Europe.