FourGen Software has set its sights on large corporate management information systems departments with a new image-based financial development system it is working on known as FourGen Corporate – beta releases are due in the second quarter. The package, which runs under Unix with X Window, has a financial records program linked to a database. An imaging module containing digitised documents, photos and inventory items will enable users anywhere in the world to access, and print out the required view. A financial component will integrate accounting information from a variety of sources, and together with other communication and translation facilities, these will hang off a core general ledger module. FourGen is also developing a set of business analysis templates in conjunction with Uniplex Software, which will enable users to access data stored in the FourGen financial database in the form of Uniplex balance sheets, statements and reports. And the Edmonds, Washington-based firm, which had a large stand and very high profile at the recent UniForum trade show in Washington, has also signed an agreement with Sequent Computer, Systems which is to offer FourGen’s existing accounting applications on the Symmetry series of parallel processors.