French multi-user systems builder Forum International SA, Paris, has launched a range of Unix machines based on National Semiconductor NS32000 family processors. The MultiFlex family has two members at present: the 32-05 is built around the NS32332 chip, can support up to eight users and costs from $24,000 to $32,000. The 32-10 – with the same processor – for 32 users, starts at $44,000 and goes up to $110,000. A 64-user version, the 32-20, which is rated at 10 MIPS and is based on the NS 32532 will be released later in the year, priced from $55,000 up to $170,000. The MultiFlex series uses four custom designed gate arrays so that the systems can be upgraded as National Semiconductor develops its processor range. All the machines use removable disk packs – each supplied with its own SCSI based controller. Additional 80Mb, 150Mb, 300Mb or 600Mb disk packs are available, and Forum has also included an Exabyte streamer that uses 8mm video tape storing up to 2.4Gb of data – claimed to be only the second such implementation in the world, after that from DEC. Forum reported sales of UKP16m in its last financial year.