Give a dog a bad name… Fortune Systems Corp, now Tigera Group Inc, has never quite succeeded in living down the fact that one of its founders was a leading light at Itel Corp ahead of the company’s notorious bankruptcy proceedings, so it comes as little surprise that three dealers have come up with lurid accusations involving international espionage, prostitution, and sale of illegal drugs in a $57m lawsuit: Western Blue Corp, Sacramento, GT Hawes & Co of New York, and Bytex Corp of Austin, Texas, claim Tigera in its former guise provided prospective clients with prostitutes, engaged in price-fixing, and juggled results to improve its financial picture, and the drug-dealing charge, notes Newsbytes, stems from the plaintiffs’ claim that a seniorTigera official is under investigation by US drug law enforcementauthorities in Bogata, Columbia; Tigera’s chief operating officer dismisses the charges, saying They are trying to cloak a commercial dispute in a sex soap opera, adding that Fortune was in dispute with the firms over unpaid bills.