What did Jim Schraith know when he left Compaq Computer Corp a couple of weeks ago? (CI No 3,324). The former vice president and general manager of the company’s North America division got out just before its acquisition of Digital Equipment Corp, and has turned up as president and chief executive of ShareWave Inc, the company set up by former Intel Corp executives to connect up our homes through an ‘information furnace’ (CI No 3,324). ShareWave is aiming to stake its claim to the growing home digital convergence market, and intends to establish robust wireless connections between the home personal computer and home electronics appliances through a home network – mark our words, your coffee machine and toaster really will be networked one day (CI No 3,002). As well as Schraith, ShareWave has also appointed Diamond Multimedia Inc president and chief executive William Schroeder to its board. ShareWave’s acting chief executive and co-founder Bob Bennett moves aside to become vice president of marketing. Prior to Compaq, Schraith spent time as president and chief executive of the Cerplex Group Inc, did nine years at AST Research Inc and earlier was director of worldwide marketing for Schlumberger SA. ShareWave’s blue chip investors include Microsoft Corp, Paul Allen’s Vulcan Ventures, Softbank Holdings Inc and APV Technology Partners LP.