A tech expert tasked by the government with building links to startups is planning to open a technology school, according to the Evening Standard.

Benjamin Southworth joined Downing Street’s Tech City Investment Organisation to foster government relationships with Shoreditch’s startup scene, which has now grown into Tech City.

Since quitting the role this summer, Southworth has revealed plans to found a technology school for around 30 16- to 19-year-olds, reports the Standard.

He wants the provisionally titled Ada Lovelace Academy (Lovelace is credited with helping Charles Babbage develop the first computer) to prepare young people equally for university and employment by arming them with digital skills.

He told the newspaper: "There is a lot of potential for exciting ideas. It is a great framework to experiment with education, to do what I want within reason, as long as parents and students are happy."

The Standard reports that Southworth is meeting the New Schools Network next month before submitting a formal application in May.

(Southworth is pictured holding the microphone)