ForeScout has announced its ControlFabric platform to enable IT security products to ‘dynamically’ share information and allow enterprises to more rapidly respond to a range of enterprise security and operational issues.

The platform features new interfaces that open ForeScout CounterACT to developers, customers and system integrators, allowing them to ‘flexibly integrate CounterACT with other security and management systems.’

"Continuous monitoring in real time is an ever-increasing requirement, and in terms of compliance, is a core tenet of popular industry standards. Extraordinary growth in the consumerisation of IT has led to the recognition that greater visibility and broader network-based control is required for remediating endpoint issues, which are growing in both volume and severity," said Fran Howarth of Bloor Research.

"The capabilities of today’s generation of NAC technologies mean that every device connecting to the network can be automatically identified, controlled, remediated and continuously monitored. By leveraging open standards, ForeScout’s ControlFabric platform offers a wealth of opportunity for ISVs, system integrators and customers to gain greater operational context and controls that advance an organisation’s network security capabilities towards continuous compliance."

ForeScout ControlFabric is an open platform that enables ForeScout CounterACT and other IT solutions to exchange information and, so they claim, mitigate a wide variety of network and endpoint security concerns. The platform ‘helps enterprises to advance situational awareness by leveraging infrastructure data and to improve the security posture by applying policy-based controls to expedite remediation actions.’

"IT organisations require defences that not only interoperate with each other but also provide more value than the individual solutions deliver on their own. It’s about maximising their ROI in people, process and tools," said Gord Boyce, CEO of ForeScout.

"Developed and proven over the last few years, the ForeScout ControlFabric platform allows customers to mobilise their enterprise tools and operational data in truly creative ways that dramatically improve visibility, risk management and productivity."

In addition, ForeScout has made the ControlFabric platform more extensible for developers, system integrators and customers through the new ControlFabric Interface. This set of standards-based integration mechanisms allows disparate security and management systems to communicate bi-directionally with the platform and, ultimately, the CounterACT network security appliance. The ControlFabric Interface currently employs LDAP, SYSLOG, SQL, Web Services API and other standards with more integration options planned.