Sudbury, Massachusetts-based Focus Enhancements Inc has seen its shares climb to a 52-week high this week as the introduction of Scan 300, its new PC-to-TV application specific integrated circuit chip draws nearer. The 50-person operation was originally going to release the chip, which enables personal computers to display television pictures and vice versa, back in June, but decided to delay the launch to incorporate additional support for mixed analog and digital signal processes within the design of the chip. It accepts PC or Macintosh displays or resolutions up to 1024 x768 and converts then into broadcast quality NTSC or PAL video. Established in 1992 as a networking company primarily for the Macintosh market, Focus has been working on PC-to-TV technology since 1994. Since then its technology has been incorporated into televisions produced by Zenith Electronics Corp and has enabled Apple Computer Inc’s 65000 and 55000 machines to be TV-ready. The company is also said to have been negotiating with Compaq Computer Corp. Focus is set to unveil the chip later this month, with sales commencing at some point in the next quarter. The chip is likely to be priced at between $200 and $250. Carlton van Putten, the company’s vice president of marketing said around 90% of the company’s revenues are now generated from its PC-to-TV technology, but declined to comment on speculation that the company is to sell off its Ethernet networking products business. Shares peaked at $5.625 on Wednesday, closing up $0.38 at $5.50.