Fluke Networks has released its new network forensics recorder for back-in-time analysis, which is designed to allow network engineers get to the heart of performance problems across all applications.

The company said that its new Network Time Machine hardware platform features data recorder, which allows data centre engineers store data for days, weeks or months depending on traffic load.

It enables network engineers review and extract information quickly to analyse past events and the traffic leading up to, or causing, specific problems.

Fluke Networks said that Network Time Machine focuses its analysis at the application layer; supports a stream-to-disk rate up to full 10 gigabits per second; and features built-in tools that simplify and speed root cause analysis through an intuitive interface.

It now offers Advanced Capacity Management, a frame de-duplication feature that eliminates the unnecessary capture of redundant data.

In addition, the platform also offers a combined "filter and/or slice" whereby customers can store entire packets on selected critical applications, but only a slice of the background traffic.

Fluke Networks vice president of marketing Gary Ger said that now the company offers a solution that has the capacity to capture data to disk at very high speed rates over time, provides application analysis capabilities customers require, and at configurations and price points to fit most organisations’ budgets.