The University of Navarra and Alcatel NV have shown off the first FDDI network to be installed in Spain. Alcatel Ibertel was responsible for testing, design and installation of the equipment, while Alcatel Reyssa designed and installed the cable. These two companies are now working on installing another FDDI network for the University of Navarra that was awarded to Alcatel via a public tender offer. The new network provides the university with a communications structure capable of supporting voice and data traffic between six of its educational buildings and incorporates in it the Ethernet and Token Ring local area networks already installed at the University. The network also allows for the incorporation of future communication protocols. The communications support designed by the university consists of a fibre optic ring that by using six FDDI modules, connects other buildings in the 100Mbits per second field. Within each building there is a 10Mbit per second Ethernet network and another 16Mbit per second Token Ring connected to each module. Thus, the FDDI creates a large Ethernet and a series of Token Rings independent from the network of protocols used. Thus any personal computer can connect into whichever network it requires. The two Ethernet networks are already operating and connected in different buildings. The main FDDI network consists of two rings – one for back up. The network has a traffic control program , remote as well as local, which enables the user to achieve the statistics necessary for studying the load of each node.