Mass Microsystems Inc, of Sunnyvale, California is shipping the first of its DiamondDrive series of external hard drives: the Maxtor Corp-manufactured series consists of four new hard drives with capacities of 120Mb, 210Mb, 320Mb and 510Mb: data is transferred at up to 2Mb-per-second, and to and from the buffer at up to 5Mb-per-second; average access time for the 510Mb drive is 12mS, 15mS for the 120Mb, 210Mb and 320Mb drives; the drives are rated at a mean time between failure of 150,000 hours and have a two-year warranty; the 120Mb costs $1,079, 200Mb version is $1,550, the 320Mb drive is $2,550 and the 510Mb version comes in at $3,600.