Officials from telecommunications authorities in the US and the UK have held their first bilateral talks. Details of what went on at the two-day discussions have not been disclosed but, according to the London-headquartered Department of Trade & Industry, which hosted the event, the agenda included long-term strategic topics and current regulatory issues. Of the former, questions such as infrastructure investment and multimedia convergence were covered, while UK policy initiatives on interconnection, US licensing of international and mobile services and positions on reform of international satellite organisations dominated the debate on regulations. Also discussed were the International Telecommunications Union meetings to be held in Buenos Aires and Kyoto next year. Bodies that were represented on the US side included the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, the Bureau of International Communications and Information Policy, The Department of State, the Federal Communications Commission and the Department of Commerce. The UK delegation included The Department of Trade & Industry, the Director-General of Telecommunications, and the Radiocommunications Agency. The next bilateral meeting is scheduled for Washington DC this year.