Huawei and China Mobile have revealed that the first ever successful tests on a 400G Optical Transport Network (OTN) have taken place in China.

400G pipes will go a long way to meet the increasing bandwith demands in cloud computing and LTE services and the boom of media streaming.

Wang Weibin, president of the transport network product line at Huawei, said: "To help customers manage increased digital traffic, Huawei took the lead in deploying 100G OTNs and have continued to invest in research and development for technologies beyond 100G. We are delighted to see breakthroughs in core technologies testing that take us closer to commercial deployment of 400G OTNs, and especially in collaborating with China Mobile to test our latest OTN technology in China."

There were two 400G solotions involved in the tests. Firstly, the large-capacity 400G OTN solution which is based on the PDM-16QAM (polarization division multiplexed 16-ary quadrature amplitude modulation) higher order coding scheme, a widely deployed 400G solution throughout the industry. Secondly, an ultra-long haul 400G OTN solution based on the PDM-QPSK (polarization division multiplexed quadrature phase shift key) coding scheme.

Since 2012, Huawei has cooperated with KPN to deploy the first ever 400G FOA on a Pan-European backbone, worked with Telefonica to deploy the industry’s first 400G OTN, and also cooperated with India’s TATA to field test the industry’s longest 400G submarine optical cable, accelerating the commercialization of 400G OTNs.

In June, ZTE rolled out its own 400G solution at a conference in Nice, France. It will become will be commercially available in early 2015.