IBM UK Holdings Ltd has also reported its 1995 figures, but does not seem to have disseminated them too widely, because although they are dated January 25, they do not appear to have made it into the Financial Times or onto Reuters news wire. And it’s not as if the figures are bad or anything: pre-tax profits were #215m, up from #96m last time, the year-ago figure being damaged by #80m in charges. At the net level, profits were #224m, up from #100m, implying tax credits each time. Turnover for the year was up 4.4% at #4,594m, and a substantial part of that is likely to be exports since personal computers had a good year, and the Greenock plant makes personal computers for all Europe. Unfortunately we’re not allowed to know the details until the annual report appears in May: IBM has decided that the number is not helpful – no doubt because it has shut or sold so many plants across Europe.