Htmlscript Corp is shipping the Jyve development kit next month to give OEMs and large web sites the guts of its htmlscript enhanced-HTML system. The kit from the seven-person, San Diego, California firm is said to enable software developers to generate their own htmlscript-compliant products and webmasters to customize their sites. For example, Jyve will let developers support proprietary structures the htmlscript system doesn’t support. The company will charge $25,000 for a basic license which gives firms the right to replace the binaries with licenses they product using Jyve and beyond that licensees need to negotiate a custom license. The kit will include a C function library to access htmlscript system feature sets such as read/write access to htmlscript memory space and direct access to the htmlscript expression analyzer. In two weeks Htmlscript is expected to announce support for the ODF data standard.