Fiorano Software, a provider of business process integration and messaging infrastructure technology, has released FioranoMQ 9.1.0, a new version of its high performance enterprise communication backbone and standards-based messaging server.

According to Fiorano, the new FioranoMQ implements several new features including enhanced directory services and message journaling support, queue depth monitoring, implementation and destination level configuration. It performs with latencies between five and 40 milliseconds.

The company said that the Directory Services Implementation gives users the ability to share and manage FioranoMQ (FMQ) profiles in a centralised way; manage profiles present in the central repository; and greatly simplify storage of registered server/profile information.

According to Fiorano, the HP Implementation updates, a new lock file and HA server that takes better care of state synchronisation in network outage scenarios; message journaling support for replicating the messages arriving at a destination to a destination of similar type by leveraging a console-based application in order to consume or audit messages from either of these two destinations, the company said.

Queue/Topic Depth Monitoring feature monitors the number of pending messages that are still available in the destination or to fire JMX notifications in situations like when the depth of a destination crosses a particular threshold or if destination is idle for a particular amount of time, the company added.

FioranoMQ JMS Server performance improvements boost peak performances to more than 50,000 messages per second for publish/subscribe messaging in closed benchmark testing, the company claims.