Fibronics International Inc has launched a multimedia local network system that runs over FDDI or Ethernet, and is aimed at surveillance and video conferencing applications. The Pembroke, Massachusetts company says that the Multimedia AudioVisual Information eXchange or MAVIX product can take advantage of the full 100Mbps FDDI speed, and runs at 10Mbps over Ethernet. The system comprises the FER2100C analogue video local network interface, the FX8610 FDDI switching hub, and the InterView network management system. It is Windows-based and SNMP-compliant, and the company says that it conforms to the CCITT H.261 and PAL and NTSC international standards. It enables eight to 10 users to operate data, video and audio applications with direct attachments to the FDDI ring and Ethernet. In addition, the FDDI switching hub can be used for FDDI and Ethernet switching, so that data, voice and video traffic can be simultaneously transmitted on FDDI and Ethernet. Local video connections are, however, transmitted over the Ethernet network which the company says maximises bandwidth efficiency since the FDDI backbone is not used. There is an optional handset, microphone, audio line or loudspeaker to provide interactive speech capabilities. Fibronics is charging for the system modules separately: the video local network interface has a US list price of $22,000, the InterView network management system is to cost $10,000, and the FDDI switching hub – including 1Mb of memory – costs $17,900. Boards for 10Base-T, 10Base-5 and 10Base-2 have a list price of $1,900. The company says it plans to launch the products internationally through systems integrators, and that prices are to be in line with those in the US. Fibronics is not including a video camera in its system, leaving this up to systems integrators to provide, since the system is being aimed at various applications requiring different image resolutions. The lack of a bundled camera makes price comparisons with similar systems difficult. Mentec Computer Systems Ltd (whose system runs over Ethernet and Token Ring rather than Fibronics’ Ethernet and FDDI) is, however, charging ?12,000 for a fully-configured system, including two 80486 personal computers (CI No 2,014: at this price, it seems to have a distinct advantage over Fibronics.