A Real Time Relational Database Sub-system, RTRDS, for use on powerful graphics workstations running command and control systems has been developed by Ferranti Computer Systems Ltd, Cwmbran, Gwent, based on its DVME-785 board. First announced in April 1987 (CI No 665), the DVME-785 is designed to handle time critical data from various sensors, such as radar, sonar and IR in real time applications. Using CMOS VLSI technology and microcoded software – for speed – the processor is claimed to have an access time 1,000 times faster than a conventional database. The processor is supplied with diagnostic error monitoring System Interface Software, enabling programmers to communicate with the Relational Database Subsystem via a set of interfaces. Currently this facility is available for Ada and C applications, also for VME, Q-bus and Multibus-based client systems – an SQL version will be available by the end of 1990. The subsystem comprises a DVME-785 relational processor, DVME-137 interface processor, space for up to four DVME-385 memory expansion cards, sub-system bus linker, power supply and VME card frame with forced air cooling – for UKP30,000. First customer is the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe Technical Centre in the Hague has bought a Real-Time Relational Database Subsystem from Ferranti for the development of an expert system-aided multi sensor tracker, operating on a Sun-3/160 workstation running Ada software.