Cyrix Corp claims that development of its clock doubling line of chips for 80386-compatible personal computers is ongoing: it demonstrated the technology in June at PC Expo, but unlike the 486DLC which must be installed by the manufacturer or a third-party upgrader, the new chip, if released, will be sold directly to customers or through resellers; the Richardson, Texas-based company says that it has working versions of the chip and test versions of clock doublers for 16MHz and 20MHz versions of Cx386 processors, and a 25MHz/50MHz version is also possible, although the company has not decided if it will release them; according to Microbytes Daily, Cyrix plans to release processor compatible with Intel Corp’s forthcoming P5 part, and claims it is in the behavioural model stage of development but it is waiting to see if Intel Corp add multiprocessing circuitry that may be forward but not backward-compatible.