Sterling, Virginia-based FastComm Communications Corp has launched its system for sending speech traffic over Frame Relay networks. The new VoiceFRAD product line is claimed to provide toll quality speech, facsimile, and multiprotocol data over Frame Relay, enabling users to connect personal computers, workstations, PABXs and other network equipment over a single connection at speeds up to 2Mbps. The family consists of three models, all of which use a RISC processor and is based around the company’s LAN+Legacy protocol suite. Telnet and Simple Network Management Protocol management are supported, and the products incorporate an integral 56kbps CSU/DSU, while speech ports can be two-wire, four-wire, or G.704 with silence suppression. The products are due to ship this month with prices starting at $2,900 for two speech-facsimile ports.